
ELLESSE is an Italian brand founded in 1959 by Leonardo Servadio, featuring his initials (LS) and more importantly his values: passion, quality and creativity. The logo is a combination of the two ends of a pair of skis and half a tennis ball. Today, ELLESSE is looking to set itself apart from the rest of the highly competitive sports performance market. Staying true to its motto of “Together We Play”, ELLESSE has always been keen to work with other innovative brands, burgeoning creative talents, leading retailers and plenty of other partners besides.

ELLESSE has a unique, fun-loving approach that combines sport and sports fashion. Having been at there at the origins of sportswear style, the brand is now a veritable reference in terms of sports clothing and urban fashion.

Head office:
60, rue de Caumartin
75 009 Paris
Administrative headquarters:
24, allées de Tourny
33 000 Bordeaux
2023 Lifestyle. All rights reserved
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